Friday, April 3, 2009

I love you like a fat boy loves cake

Today I have been CRAVING alllllll of the below. In no particular order mind you!

If this is what a pregnant lady feels like... I'm adopting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This piece of cake is actually from a vegan recipe, so it's technically not that bad for you... but it looked bad for you. And that's what I'm trying to get across ;)

CHOOOOCOLATE!Can I just say that the man who invented Carls Jr. is God's gift to mankind. SERIOUS!

This stuff is so good! Spank some of it onto a piece of toast or a crepe or somethin'& boom you got yourself a piece of heaven!

I don't normally crave Ice Cream, but today I threw it on the cravings list today just for kicks ;)CARBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!COTTON CANDY!!! Totally reminds me of pioneers day at the Mormon Center!

I'm sure there was more... like my craving for a cheesy gordita crunch (soooogoooooood) at TB! Augh or the six dollar BURGER at CJ! Man oh man. Trying to be a skinny girl SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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