Thursday, April 17, 2008

All seasons are beautiful for the person who carries happiness within.

In no particular order, Happiness to me is :

Finding things that you've lost

A warm car on a windy day


Good Posture

Rubberbands... for my rubberband ball

Tart & juicy apples



Uplifting Music

Inspiring Art!

Amazing recipes

To Do Lists

Funny people

Honey Sesame Chicken Seasoning!!!

Reeds Dairy Chocolate Milk

Love notes

An honest compliment

Overcoming a challenge

Looking good in a swimsuit

Curly Q's after hot tubbing

Friends with positive FUN energy

Words of approval

Tall boys

Water Basketball


Edward Cullen (Just Kidding... but really!)

Moving forward

Love in it's simplest form

Self Mastery

A good book

A new idea

A good quote

... more to come!

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.

Hello All & welcome to my Blog. Feel free to comment!

Journal Entry:
I woke up this morning, looked at my To Do list and decided I'm going to be Happy about Life! I'm ready to be, become & begin something new. As Pearl Buck said "Growth itself contains the germ of happiness." So I guess I'm down with germs!

Till our next encounter.