Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So I decided something mid-yoga class yesterday.

I am going to be a Yoga & Pilates instructor one day. Why?

Well here are the PERKS:

I pick the music for class

I pick the times

I’ll make active girlie friends

I don’t have to pay the gym/instructor to go to class… I get PAID to go!

And I’ll be able to fold myself in half like all those crazy instructors do.

I’ll HAVE to have a SWEET BODY all the freakin time (Peer/class pressure at it's best)!!!!!!

Oh also, all the yoga and Pilates peoples have sweet abs, waaaay cute mats and amazing work out get ups!!! TOTAL PERK!

All in all I think it’s a great thing to look into… now I just have to figure out how to doooo it!

Wish me luck!